March 19, 202506:10:11 AM

#1. Keep those leather shoes looking brand new for years.

Give your leather shoes more shine by applying a small amount of moisturizer with a towel. This will also help if you have scratches on the leather.
Keep those leather shoes looking brand new for years.
Kathleen Kamhausen

#2. You've been wearing your ankle boots wrong all this time.

Don't try to stretch your jean legs over the boot, instead fold the bottom into a cuff and show off those ankles.

#3. Hand wash your delicates with a salad spinner.

It will take out the excess water out of your delicates like bras, cashmere, and silk.

#4. Removing the hated red wine stains.

Save your red wine stained clothes by using club soda to remove it.
Removing the hated red wine stains.

#5. Neck and waist comparison.

Instead of trying on every pair of pants for fit, wrap the pant waist to your neck. Your waist and neck are the same size.
Neck and waist comparison.

#6. Keep your fly up!

Use a thin elastic band wrapped through the zipper and loop it to the waist button. This will keep your zipper up at all times.

#7. Stop the shedding.

Put your gorgeous angora garment in a ziplock bag, freeze it for three hours to stop the item from shedding.

#8. Give your jeans a makeover.

Wear printed or lace tights under the ripped jeans for a total new, edgier look.

#9. Save those bleach mistakes.

When you accidentally get bleach on black clothing, use a black sharpie to cover it.

#10. Go away deodorant stains!

Remove those white and embarrassing stains by lightly rubbing them off with baby wipes.

#11. Keep those buttons on forever.

After you sew a button on, apply clear nail polish over it to keep it in place.

#12. Razors are your friend.

Remove the pilling off your clothes by running a razor over it. Afterwards, use a lint roller to get rid of the excess.

#13. Don't throw out your old T-shirts.

Outline your T-shirt using a tank top as an outline. Cut the shirt and use the sleeve and neck scraps to tie the back for a perfect fit.

#14. Yucky pit stains does not mean throwing out your shirts.

Mix lemon and water in a bottle. Spray the pits to remove the sweat stains off.

#15. Red lipstick should only stain the lips.

Apply hairspray on the area where the lipstick got on. Let it sit and soak for two minutes then dab the stain off. Put it in the wash afterwards.

#16. Keep your beloved leather boots looking clean and new.

Use soap and hot water to clean off the dirt off your boots. Mix equal amounts of vinegar and water in a bottle and spray the boot thoroughly. Wipe any excess off and rub in conditioner afterwards. Don't forget to finish it off with spraying the boots with a waterproof formula.

#17. Use a hair straightener in place of an iron.

When you are in a hurry and need your wrinkled collar ironed, use a hair straightener. It's a faster solution.

#18. Kill the nasty odours coming from your favourite jeans.

Use a clean spray bottle to add one shot of vodka, three drops of essential oil, and warm water. Spray the jeans with the mix and let them sit overnight. Your jeans will smell like new in the morning.

#19. Oily stains.

To get rid off oil stains on clothes, apply baby powder on it and let it absorb overnight.

#20. You got five minutes to spare?

After ironing your shirt or dress, wait five minutes before putting it on. If the garment is still warm when you put it on, you will end up making new wrinkles on it.

20 Nifty garb Hacks You’ll desire You’d learned Years ago.


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