March 18, 202512:09:15 AM

An apple a day continues the medical doctor away. Or at the least that’s what our mother and father advised us developing up even as we ate the crispy fruit. although apples had been delivered over from Europe with the appearance of latest settlers, this candy and juicy fruit has turned into a day by day staple in North American diets.

while we pick out up our produce from the grocery save, very frequently the apple together with different fruits receives positioned within the sink for rinse and we assume it’s geared up to be eaten afterwards.If you're like tens of millions of families who try this, you may need to pause and rethink how you are cleaning your apples.

Farmers and companies want to ensure your culmination have the maximum shelf time in the shop earlier than you're taking it domestic. preferably, we'd all like to have an apple tree in our backyards to sincerely get our apples from, making sure the fruit is clean and freed from whatever overseas implemented to the outside. until that happens, right here is an smooth way to eat an apple the manner it changed into intended to.

Americans love their apples. It's sure to be packed in school lunches, picnic, and a quick to-go snack at home.

29 states in the U.S. grow apples commercially with Washington state making up 70% of the fruit consumed.
Americans love their apples. It's sure to be packed in school lunches, picnic, and a quick to-go snack at home.
Apples trees were grown in New England as early as the 1630's.

Apples trees were grown in New England as early as the 1630's.

And our loves for apple has not decreased. In fact, apples are the second most consumed fruit in the country after oranges.

But it takes work keeping the fruit fresh the moment it leaves the tree.

North Americans expect their fruits to be juicy to eat or to use in juice, smoothies, salads, and of course apple pies.

Don't you wish you could just pick it up straight from the farm.

Since it's not that easy or accessible it's important to remember apples and other fruits and vegetables are delivered to grocery stores looking bright and healthy.

When you take your apples home you assume a quick water rinse will do the trick.

Take a look at these apples. They look fresh like they just got picked from the farm.
When you take your apples home you assume a quick water rinse will do the trick.  

Don't assume everything you see is ready for the family to eat right away.

A simple test at home will reveal they actually have a film or covering that you can't see.
Don't assume everything you see is ready for the family to eat right away.

Nonetheless, most apples actually have these white wax substance.

Buying organic does not mean this was is exempt from being used.
Nonetheless, most apples actually have these white wax substance.

Many companies argue that using this practice is totally ok because its USDA 


Nonetheless, the wax recipe used is not divulged to the public. That is reason enough to be alarmed.
Many companies argue that using this practice is totally ok because its USDA approved.

We know that "natural" waxes like shellac and carnauba are used.

This is the same type of wax used for dental floss. You may swallow some in small amounts while flossing but not something you expect when you bite into your apple.
We know that "natural" waxes like shellac and carnauba are used.

On the left, this is what an apple looks like when you bring it home.

On the right, the apple reveals how much wax is sprayed on it.
On the left, this is what an apple looks like when you bring it home.

Try this. Put your apple in an empty glass bowl.

Farmers spray wax solutions to keep their fruit fresh. The wax works as a preservative to keep the fruits
 and vegetable from going bad.
Try this. Put your apple in an empty glass bowl.

The wax also makes the fruit look more appealing as it looks healthy and shiny.

Start pouring hot water on the apple. If you are buying a produce out of season, you can bet it comes with
some sort of wax spray.
The wax also makes the fruit look more appealing as it looks healthy and shiny.

The boiling water slowly reveals the wax applied.

If the fruit was sprayed with pesticide prior to the wax being applied, some of the residue can also be left on
the fruit.
The boiling water slowly reveals the wax applied.

Keep it simple, keep it natural. Here's the recipe to get rid of the wax.

1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon baking soda
lukewarm water
Mix the ingredients together.
Keep it simple, keep it natural. Here's the recipe to get rid of the wax.

Place your apples in the mix and gently scrub the outer layer of wax.

The last step is the easiest. Take a big bite of your juicy fruit.
Place your apples in the mix and gently scrub the outer layer of wax.

He Poured warm Water Over a store-sold Apple… 12 Seconds Later I Felt sick.


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