Great White Shark Close-Up Photo Goes ViralGreenland sharks are absurdly slow and mostly blind, yet they may have spread far beyond the Arctic waters they are known fromSea Monkeys Are The Guardians O...
Wednesday last week was one of those unexplained emotional days where I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and as soon as I got to work, the headphones went in my ears and I shut out the world. I do...
Everyone keeps telling me Dubai is a city that comes to life in the winter. And boy oh boy does winter seem to be here! The weather is cooler, in fact the mornings a positively chilly, there is an inc...
Usually lunch is an afterthought. A hurried picking at food from a plastic Tupperware at my desk before getting back to more important tasks. But sometimes it's nice to escape the confines of the offi...
15 Poop Horror Stories That Will Make You Feel Better About YourselfWhy your toilet needs reinventionDo farts carry germs? Well, it depends on whether you are wearing pants.Only God Can Stop Public Ur...