You know sometimes you have a great idea but in practice, it becomes all too clear that said great idea was actually more like an idiotic one? A weird way to start a post about food I know, but the st...
When you move to a new country you will find that certain areas of your life have to adapt to your new surroundings. This extends to your beauty routine. Dubai is notoriously hot and humid and it defi...
The problem with expat life is the moving; packing things, detoxing your possessions and ridding your wardrobe of those questionable, maybe I will wear it one day items. It is therapeutic and stressfu...
When I moved to Dubai, it was a great chance for a fresh start both mentally and physically. It is fair to say my two months in London had a bit of an impact upon my waistline as I indulged in all the...
Dubai looks different from every angle. You see a different landmark, a different building and the sun casts a different shadow across the landscape. It is one of those cities with a constantly changi...