Watch: Ants Use Giant Jaws to Catapult Out of Death Trap
New Glowing Millipede Found; Shows How Bioluminescence Evolved
Watch: Bizarre Caterpillar With Erupting Tentacles Filmed
Spiders sprayed with carbon nanotubes spin superstrong webs
Tiny arachnid makes the ultimate sacrifice
We all seem to have Demodex mites living on our faces. Far from being harmful, these uninvited guests could reveal our evolutionary history
Meet 10 parasites with the power to control their hosts' behaviour
Spiders normally keep a low profile, but some of them have evolved striking visual displays to lure their prey into their clutches
Don’t panic! How to escape a swarm of bees
Bees Are Dying Year-Round Now
Snail's demise suggests sixth mass extinction is under way
The Blight of the Honey Bee
Meet the Bug That Turns into a Rotting-Flesh Stink Bomb
Caterpillars Take Looking Like Poop to a New Level
5 ways to attract butterflies to your garden
Hawk-moths are capable of slowing their brains to stay in rhythm with their environment
If you think bluebottles are big flies, think again. Two obscure groups of tropical flies are the giants of the fly world
Nine fluttery facts about butterflies
Do butterflies hold the answer to life's mysteries?
With reports of large numbers of painted ladies gathering in Europe, it looks likely that the UK is on the verge of another mass invasion this summer
Bees feeding on fungicide-dosed flowers develop health issues, studies say
When moths come to stay, there’s only one solution
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