A Young Chemist Explains How Legal Highs Work
A trip or three back in time, with LSD and mescaline in the 1950s
Students used to take drugs to get high. Now they take them to get higher grades
The New War on Drugs
The Drug Cartels' IT Guy
Getting High on Salvia, for Science
Heroin Overdose Deaths in U.S. Have Tripled Since 2010
Studies: Psychedelics Not Bad for Mental Health
I've Never Smoked Pot. Here's What Happened When I Tried To Get It Legally In D.C.
How Bees Revealed a Pot Farm Beneath the Maraschino Cherries
5 Charts Explaining Colorado’s First Year of Legal Weed
How an advertising company put a ‘marijuana cookie’ on your computer to get weed legalized
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