March 18, 202504:55:44 AM

We have been back in dubai little over a week and I think it's safe to say I have the obligatory post London blues. It's not about the place it's all about the people. Although London at Christmas does have an amazing magical quality.

When we booked our flights it sounded like such a long time but of course it flew by all too quickly.

We landed on Christmas Eve and since our arrival was somewhat of a surprise, we kept a low profile until Christmas Day. My family knew we were coming but the boyfriends mother didn't and lets just say that her reaction to have her her son and his girlfriend on her doorstep on Christmas afternoon, all the way from the Middle East, was pretty priceless. 

Christmas was the usual amazing combination of warm, satisfying English food perfect for the -2 temperatures we were dealt and a plethora of sweet treats. We spent days catching up with friends and family and lazy evenings in cosy Christmas themed pubs and watching our fair share of Londons best Christmas TV.

And of course a trip to London for me, must always include a few things; a trip to the Victoria and Albert Museum, a trip to H&M, dinner in China Town and a visit to Selfridges. All of which I managed to tick off this time.

Until next year London. 
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