Toxic Snail Puts Fish in a Sugar Coma, Then Eats Them
Why Do "Disco Clams" Put On Brilliant Light Shows?
Is this the first photo ever taken of a shark giving birth?
Sea Turtles Use Earth's Magnetic Field to Find Home
Giant Squid and Whale Sharks Aren't As Big As People Think
Rare Albino Bottlenose Dolphin Spotted Off Florida Coast
Life in the shadow of Bruce, a shark that weighs as much as two VW Beetles

Australian government seeks to opt out of protection of five shark species
Deadly sea snail uses weaponised insulin to make its prey sluggish
Pup numbers boom at English seal colony
Watch mesmerising footage of hermit crab changing shell
A Sea Dog Met A Land Dog And It’s Nothing Short Of Adorable
Introducing Australia’s Newest Most Terrifying Animal
You Actually Won’t Be Able To Cope With This Story Of How A Guy Saved A Baby Manatee
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