March 18, 202512:23:04 PM

It's our first year in Dubai and we're still finding our feet and navigating all the events and celebrations that crop up. Today is the 43rd National Day in the UAE and to be honest I knew very little about the occasion, but the history behind it is fascinating. 

National Day occurs every year on the 2nd December and marks the unification of the seven emirates in 1971 which combined to form the United Arab Emirates. It is a day which sees locals and expats, many who have adopted this country as their home, come together to celebrate the countries achievements and developments. And I have noticed a renewed energy in Dubai in the last few days, running up to the 43rd National Day; people are positive and happy and UAE national flag adorn s buildings and highways and beaches. 

My favourite part of national day is the events and activities that have been taking place during the past week to celebrate the occasion; their has been parades, the worlds longest graffiti piece, concerts, boat shows and fireworks, lighting up the sky. It all sounds so dreamy I know and it pretty much feels like that too. 

As a relatively new expat in Dubai, I can't explain much more, but this amazing video will show you the sheer progress this country has made and you may understand better the reason for the celebrations. 

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