A Spider Nation
Bees Wage Surprisingly Violent Wars—And Females Do the Fighting
Are Dangerous Spiders Hiding in Your Fruit?
Giant lost: World's largest earwig declared extinct
9 extraordinary facts about North America's native bees
In Defense of the Stink Bug
Mysterious 'Glow Worm' Discovered in the Peruvian Rainforest
This is not an ant - it's a spider
Mystery Solved? How Butterflies Came to Look Like Dead Leaves
Meet the caterpillar that could pass for a Christmas ornament
Female fruit flies choose a mate based on a 'hidden' feature of the males' wings – beautiful colours that only shimmer against a dark background thanks to a refraction phenomenon known as thin-film interference
'Highly aggressive' stinging Argentinian fire ants found at Sydney port
Next year could be most exciting for butterflies for a generation
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