Great White Shark Close-Up Photo Goes Viral
Greenland sharks are absurdly slow and mostly blind, yet they may have spread far beyond the Arctic waters they are known from
Sea Monkeys Are The Guardians Of Earth's Oceans
Male Tilapia Use Pee to Attract Females; Could It Help Fish Farms?
How pygmy seahorses hide in plain sight
Orcas caught in stunning drone video
Endangered Hawaiian monk seals are bouncing back
In a single, extraordinary act, a female octopus surprises her mate, and changes how we think of her kind
Russia accused of blocking creation of vast Antarctic marine reserves
The 17 areas of Britain where whales, dolphins and sharks need help
Swimming polar bears chase photographer in waters off Alaska
Surfer has lucky escape after accidentally standing on shark
Rare footage captures moment Beluga whale gives birth
Mystery over deaths of giant turtles off Scotland
7 Scary Fish That Are Always Dressed Up for Halloween
Why Are Millions of Starfish 'Melting'?
Diaphanous, Sometimes Deadly, Jellyfish Pictures From National Geographic's Archives
Live jellyfish cam offers stunning views of sea nettles
Why do puffer fish build sandcastles?
Humpback whales have been gathering to feast on herring close to shore off Tromso and the Vesteralen islands in northern Norway
Can fish master physics?
Stranded long-finned pilot whale on Essex river starved, says expert
Bizarre looking Black Sea Devil fish caught on video for the first time
Japan Says It Just Wants to Count Whales—Not Kill Them—in 2015
A Wonderful Moment Happened When This Girl Performed Acrobatics For A Dolphin
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