March 18, 202504:12:16 AM

Our dog may have only ever lived in a hot climate, but she still suffers in the super hot summer months, mainly because of that fur coat she insists on wearing! As a responsible dog owner, we have toyed with the idea of shaving her many times, but everytime we discuss it, she gives us those puppy eyes that say please don't make me go out of the house naked.

So we have to find other ways to keep her cool and happy when the temperatures reach ridiculous highs. Since we live in an apartment this generally isn't a problem; she spends her days enjoying air con on tap. But certain routines have to adjust in the summer months.

No more long walks or running around outside for too long. As soon as that tongue starts hanging out her mouth and the panting gets quicker you know it's time to go back inside. In general there are a couple of simple ways to navigate the summer months. 

Constant supply of fresh water - this is essential to keep your pooch hydrated. We also use an aluminium bowl for her drinking water as this keeps the water cooler for longer. 

Short walks - more frequent short walks ensure she gets outside and gets her exercise without feel the heat too for too long. 

Walking times - walk early in the morning and after the sun goes down when the temperatures have had time to cool down a bit. Never walk midday! By midday the pavement will be scorching and that won't be fun for your pooches paws. If you slip off your shoe and it's too hot to stand on the pavement then it's too hot for your pooch. 

Seasonal treats - a little tip I learnt whilst living in Cyprus with the pooch was to make some frozen treats for her. Mix a banana, some peanut butter and water together until smooth and runny. Pour into an ice cube tray and freeze. Then you can just pop out an ice cube when it's treat time. Coming straight from the freezer they're cooling and yummy. I also found my pooch goes wild for a good old plain ice cube. It does get a little messy so maybe not a great idea if you have carpets! 

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