And then came the day when my make up supplies ran dry and I needed a teeny tiny mascara to throw in my handbag. That's when the glistening top of Benefit They're Real caught my eye and my allegiance quickly faded away. Pride swallowed, this mascara is amazing!
Another reason, aside from my loyalty, that I didn't want to leave Bad Gal is because of the brush. I love the soft bristle, full and fat brush for the wonders it does to my lashes. And I had only ever had bad experiences with the plastic bristle brushes that seem to everywhere now.
But They're Real surprised me. The brush worked wonders through my lashes and the formula added amazing length and volume. While Benefit's price point is a little higher than your average high street brand, you can feel the quality and see the effects of each product.
I'm a They're Real convert.
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