March 17, 202502:37:12 PM

The Souk in Dubai Mall is a little paradise of intricate architecture and independent retailers within the conformity and air conditioning of Dubai Mall. The Souk is crammed to the rafters with gorgeous jewellery stores and no joke, the windows glisten and twinkle from every angle. But that is not why I love The Souk.

For me the decor and architecture is reflective of the culture and offers a more authentic feeling as you wander the little avenues. The arches throughout make for an intimate setting compared to the vast bright expanse of the rest of the mall. And the ceilings, well it is a good job we explored one morning midweek, because my head was fixed upwards and I definitely was not looking where I was walking. The bold wood carving that clads the ceiling makes beautiful patterns and the intricately decorated light fittings in cream, gold and blue have a very "Arabic" feel. 

The Souk is definitely worth a visit, whether you're in the market for jewels or not. 


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