Up until now I have spent my days of unemployment looking for work, exploring and enjoying the pool terrace whilst reading educational material like Women's Health and Time Out Dubai.
Most days have felt like the weekend and my weeks have blended into one. It is surprising, when I think about it, that I have only been here for just under a month. It feels like I have well and truly got my feet under the carpet of Dubai and I have so easily settled into this sweaty city and adapted to its heat and its way of life.
And part of that is mixing up the weekend a little. Although the Thursday feeling doesn't quite have the same ring to it as Friday feeling but oh well. With Sunday comes the first working day of the week and today, came my first working day ever, in Dubai. Surprisingly I bounced out of bed with as much enthusiasm as the dog has when she knows it is time for morning walkies.
Did it feel weird going to work on a Sunday? No not really. It felt natural, like any other day. In fact, so quickly have I adapted that I didn't even think about everyone else not working today, until I looked on Instagram and saw sunny Sunday walks and pub lunches.
Sunday is definitely the new Monday. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go get ready for my version of Tuesday.
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