I can't get enough of the sunsets at the moment; the sun falls early in these parts, but it brings with it some much needed relief from the soaring temperatures that bake the city to a crisp. The skyline becomes a harsh silhouette that almost disturbs the softness of the yellow sky. I don't I will ever tire of snapping a sunset.
Taking the pooch for a stroll is becoming a daily challenge which needs to be executed with military precision, or so it seems. Between the 8am and 7pm, the pavement is too hot for her little paws. Even outside of those hours, the sun beats down on her and she looks up at me as we walk, with her bright red tongue, flopping out of her mouth as she pants to cool herself down, like errrr can I take this fur coat off now. This week an extra midnight walk along Dubai Marina which is dog friendly, was pleasant for her paws and it's nicer for us too.
After just three weeks I found such a great breakfast spot, the 25 55 cafe at Dubai Marina Yacht Club, which conveniently or dangerously, depending on how you look at it, is about a 5 minute walk along the waterfront from our building.
There has been lounging by the pool, which has become increasingly difficult since Ramadan arrived, a very traumatic afternoon at the beach (but more about that another time) and a job interview. The week has flown by and I feel more settled than ever as I take the brave steps of some solo exploration.
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