March 18, 2025

I have always been a bit shy; people that know me will think that statement is absurd, but honestly, in new situations I regress slightly into the safety of my tortoise shell so to speak and barely dare to stick my head out. Despite moving around to different countries and meeting lots of new people, this lack of confidence is still occupying a part of my brain and it is something I am working on. 

Given the aforementioned, you would think that moving from country to country would send me into a meltdown. Indeed there have been some very stressful moments and occasionally, big drops of tears threaten to escape from my eyes when it all becomes a bit too much. But in a funny way, I feel like expat life has kind of been my calling and the stress and tears have made me a stronger human as a result. 

If you had told me ten years ago I would be living in a country half way round the world, with my long-term boyfriend and high maintenance pooch, I would have said you were crazy. I was never one to plan out my life and a good job too because I could have never envisioned the adventure that was waiting for me. Am I lucky? Is it fate? Do I deserve the life I have somewhat stumbled into? I don't know but I have definitely paid my dues in life and I feel like I have found my feet as an expat. 

Expat life suits me; exploring new countries and cultures, learning about a place, it's people, the food, the climate, feeds the desire my brain has to continually learn. And packing up and moving feels less scary every time you do it; even the dog has become accustomed to the changing scenery.

Moving to Dubai was quite a stressful process, but now that we are all here, the research, the planning, the organisation and the anxiety that came in floods during the transition phase, has passed and we can begin to reap the benefits of sacrificing everything for opportunities abroad. 

There are millions of people moving around this little place we call the world and the internet is a vast cave of information which can be seriously difficult to navigate at times. So I have teamed up with Expats Blog to launch a series of informative articles giving you a real take on moving to Dubai and how to do everything from relocating a dog to Dubai, completing the immigration process in Dubai and find somewhere to live in Dubai. 

If your thinking about or are in the process of moving to Dubai, check out the first article here. And if your a expat in Dubai who can give a newbie like me some tips for settling please give me a shout. 
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