Photo via: ephebic bears
How are you supposed to cope when the one person you needed abandons you? You create worth by choosing people who do need you. Filling that void for someone else. An un-loveable. Someone with mental illness, OCD or addiction. You fill their needs to cover up the emptiness still left. Years go by and you believe you've moved on, that this time it's the real deal. But really it's just another broken man you've committed to taking care of because no one will take care of you. And the one person that one time who did. Well he really has moved on. To someone not so needy. Someone easier, skinnier, less work and more worth love. So you keep going, day after day, barely holding your life together, taking care of another man who you don't need or want but at least he needs you and isn't going to leave. Because if you venture outside of this fucked up codependent relationship back to something real. Well if you ever found another guy to actually fulfill your heart he would eventually see the real you and leave too. And we can't have that again can we?
P. S. I still love you. Even though you're long gone and married to the girl that came after me. The one who was good enough. I promise I still love you more than she ever will.
P. S. I still love you. Even though you're long gone and married to the girl that came after me. The one who was good enough. I promise I still love you more than she ever will.
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