Photo via: Esben Bøg Jensen
Despite a previous bad relationship and general hesitance towards marriage in general, you managed to capture me. Perhaps capture isn’t even the right word, it wasn’t a sudden occurrence at all, but rather something that snuck up on me very gradually. Our love formed over time, in a gradual process like the forming of a stalagmite deep within a cave. To the onlooker, it might easily be assumed our love was something which had always been. We know it didn’t just spring forth suddenly from nothing. Small droplets given over time consolidated to form this solid beautiful thing.
We had been friends for years. Separated by differing paths after high school. I heard from you now and then, how are you’s and an occasional funny story thought to possibly be of interest. Our paths would cross at friend’s weddings and once in a while when everyone would meet up at J’s while you were home for a visit. We were always flirtatious, I now realize, though then it seemed like nothing. It went on like this for a few years. These moments-small droplets accumulating. Then there was Portland.
I saw you walking toward me down the hotel hallway. The droplets accumulated rapidly now. I was overwhelmed and confused by the sudden flood. You pulled me into a strong friendly embrace. It was close and warm and felt longer than necessary. I didn’t object and we both lingered there.
We spent the weekend immersed in each other and the life of the city. There were hours at the Saturday Market, the zoo, the Portland Art Museum, barely able to show interest in our activities. I just wanted to be close to you, to hear your voice as you gave me your own clever and witty interpretations of the art pieces, to feel you next to me. Your eyes held mine longer than usual and contained deep warmth I had not noticed before. Like you had to try not to look at me, and when you did you had to force yourself to look away.
When we kissed for the first time I knew something solid had formed between us. The realization of it was sudden, but it had been created gradually, beginning years ago. You have not only changed my heart but healed it, in more ways than one, over our five years together. I am and always will be proud to say I am yours.
We had been friends for years. Separated by differing paths after high school. I heard from you now and then, how are you’s and an occasional funny story thought to possibly be of interest. Our paths would cross at friend’s weddings and once in a while when everyone would meet up at J’s while you were home for a visit. We were always flirtatious, I now realize, though then it seemed like nothing. It went on like this for a few years. These moments-small droplets accumulating. Then there was Portland.
I saw you walking toward me down the hotel hallway. The droplets accumulated rapidly now. I was overwhelmed and confused by the sudden flood. You pulled me into a strong friendly embrace. It was close and warm and felt longer than necessary. I didn’t object and we both lingered there.
We spent the weekend immersed in each other and the life of the city. There were hours at the Saturday Market, the zoo, the Portland Art Museum, barely able to show interest in our activities. I just wanted to be close to you, to hear your voice as you gave me your own clever and witty interpretations of the art pieces, to feel you next to me. Your eyes held mine longer than usual and contained deep warmth I had not noticed before. Like you had to try not to look at me, and when you did you had to force yourself to look away.
When we kissed for the first time I knew something solid had formed between us. The realization of it was sudden, but it had been created gradually, beginning years ago. You have not only changed my heart but healed it, in more ways than one, over our five years together. I am and always will be proud to say I am yours.
Love always,
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