Dear shoes,
The fact that you're not getting picked as often anymore in the morning doesn't mean I don't love you the most. I am leaving you safely in the wardrobe to protect you from the muddy boots in the busy trains that will damage your delicate materials and the splatters coming off the wet concrete as the wheels of my bike ride over it. Just knowing that I have you guys (and I recognize that this is a strange form of greed), is enough for me; I don't even mind wearing the wrong shoe.
Every single pair of these involved a search, a long wait, the feeling of -if only I had this pair in to complete this outfit- in the morning and lastly; finding them on a strange corner of the internet or coming across them on an unexpected place. So happy to have this little collection, this is my favorite footwear.
The fact that you're not getting picked as often anymore in the morning doesn't mean I don't love you the most. I am leaving you safely in the wardrobe to protect you from the muddy boots in the busy trains that will damage your delicate materials and the splatters coming off the wet concrete as the wheels of my bike ride over it. Just knowing that I have you guys (and I recognize that this is a strange form of greed), is enough for me; I don't even mind wearing the wrong shoe.
Every single pair of these involved a search, a long wait, the feeling of -if only I had this pair in to complete this outfit- in the morning and lastly; finding them on a strange corner of the internet or coming across them on an unexpected place. So happy to have this little collection, this is my favorite footwear.
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