March 18, 202512:14:16 PM

 photo loveaestheticscasetteiphonecase0.jpg

 photo loveaestheticscasetteiphonecase00.jpg

What is it with measurements of iconic devices?
The case of a mini cassette fits an iPhone precisely and is just the exact height and width of its charger. It fits so perfectly that seems as if it was made for each other.

Last week my boyfriend finally joined the fun on the internet, and got his first ever social media account. Even I found out something on his feed that I didn't know; that mini DV cassette cases and iPhones are a match made in heaven. After posting it he got some comments, and I even got a question in my inbox asking 'where to buy this gorgeous clear iphone stand'. So I thought I'd make a post about it; it is just the case of a mini DV cassette!

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