March 18, 2025

 photo loveaestheticswhite-1.jpg Why do you wear so much white?
Don't you get bored with white and want to wear more color?
Are two questions that are asked to me a lot.
Though it's hard to explain and put something like this into words (almost impossible to answer in a few sentences), I'll do my best to give a bit of an explanation to why I am so attracted to non-colors. I'm only speaking for myself here. I do love seeing other people wear colors, personally I just don't feel comfortable in them. Last year, Nathalie Wouters already asked me about this for an article about white in Dutch Glamour magazine, so I translated some of my answers.

White has less connotation than other colors.
When seeing red for example, automatically all cliches come to mind; red hearts, Santa Claus, the devil, tacky tight dresses, coca cola, valentines day... I don't get this with white. White evokes more of a feeling; fresh, clean, pure, empty but mostly a feeling of 'there are possibilities'. And because so little concrete images to mind when seeing white, I can project my own personality and mood onto it.

Colors are so specific, every shade brings its own very specific associations. When putting on a colored shirt it almosts feels like putting on a certain mood that comes with the color. With white, grey and black it is the other way around; you put the mood on the garment After wearing a colored piece of clothing a couple of times, I get bored of it. It is so specific that it becomes limited. Non colors on the other hand, are so general and nonspecific that the possibilities are endless, they aren't connected to any seasons, they are appropriate for all occasions and moods.

With white, black and everything in between I've created a bit of a uniform for myself; I can grab clothes out of my closet with my eyes closed and it almost always works together. When tailoring clothes, the first patterns are also made in a creamy or white fabric. I think these early stages of garments are beautiful. By not adding any color or print all attention is directed to the technical details and fit, that is what interests me most in fashion.

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