March 18, 202512:14:24 PM

 photo loveaestheticsDIYearring03.jpg

 photo loveaestheticsDIYearring.jpg

 photo loveaestheticsdiyearrings0.jpg

 photo loveaestheticsDIYearring04.jpg

This DIY is sort of a sequel to these perspex earrings I made a little over a year ago. With a touch of marble they get a luxe, slightly decadent feel to them. Also did a bit of a more extravagant experiment with a larger shape that covers half the ear, can't wait to wear it!

/01 Cut the plexiglass: Make an incision with a stanley knife by letting the knife glide along a ruler. Then lay the plate of plexiglass on a table with the slit just over the edge. By pressing down you´ll be able to snap it off with a nice and clean cut. Now you should have a rectangle which you can again break into smaller pieces until you have two rectangles that are of the sizes you need.
/02 Using any kind of drilling machine (It is recommended to use a drill for metal. As I didn´t own that I used one for wood and it worked just fine.) Make little holes slightly of center, this way the perspex will not be poking your face.
/03 Now you can add the hardware. Roughen up the surface of the flat earrings and the flat top of the bolt and glue together. When dried you can just screw on the bolt with the tiny perspex plate in between and you're all done.
/04 While the glue is drying cut out some of the marble plastic in whatever shape and stick it onto the perspex. I tried out countless figures, interrupted lines, diagonal panels, different layers..etc. It all looked awesome, but in the end my favorite design was the simplest, a block of 'marble' with the perspex surrounding it like a frame.

You'll need
-perspex of (±2mm thick)
-stanley or surgeon knife
-epoxy glue
-pair of earrings with a flat surface
-a pair of tiny bolts + nuts
-marble printed self-adhesive plastic

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