Last March my digital
The layout had been the same one as since 2008. But for the past months it has only annoyed me, it lacked so much functionality. It was really (reeaallly) time to do something about it! I placed a message on facebook, met a lovely reader who also happened to be a talented web designer, and less than two weeks later the improved version is up and running. Thank you Fleur! It feels like it has never been any different. And in essence it never really has. For the visuals; the font of Love Aesthetics has been the same for 4 years, and I stuck with a printer, scissors and some tape for the logo-making.
Love Aesthetics is still about my love for aesthetics, the visual aspects of life and obsession to find out what lies beneath the appearance of things. Here's a big, fat thank you to everyone for staying tuned, everyone who took a minute out of their day to leave a message. This won't be the last time you'll hear this: it has meant the world to me that my posts have served you in some kind of way and it has been the best motivation to keep new ideas and updates coming! T H A N K Y O U!
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