March 18, 202512:18:55 AM

bomber: Acne (from my boyfriend's rack)
skirt: Asos
shoes: dr Martens
sheer dress worn as top: American Apparel

Happy Easter everyone!
Last Wednesday the sun showed itself a bit, and it seemed like maybe, just spring was finally here.
I grabbed the chance to finally wear the skirt that has been sitting in my closet for a couple of weeks.
It's the kind of skirt that really shouldn't be worn with a pair of wool tights underneath, so even though it was barely 9 degrees, I went out bare legged.
And I can now honestly understand how Scottish men could go out in kilts at every time of the year, and British girls can walk around in short skirts
on a freezing Saturday night; your legs really don't feel the cold that much.
(Or maybe it's because they become numb after a few minutes in the freezing air and you don't feel anything at all anymore)

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