Because the world is already filled with too many clothes that can possibly all be bought.
The supply of new things has never been so much greater than the demand as it is right now.
So besides finding unique pieces that aren't in every Zara or H&M of every high street in every city,
and besides the fact that clothes that were produced before mass production and fast fashion are much better in quality
I also like to buy it to keep a clear conscience. Got these two delicious trousers; one slouchy, light grey pair in super soft leather and
one white high waisted in a geometrically textured fabric.I am extremely happy!
It's so rare to find vintage trousers with a perfect fit that don't have to be altered.
Got these at Episode in Utrecht, but usually where I find the best stuff is at the Noordermarkt.
3 Markets in Amsterdam:
_Noordermarkt /every Monday morning/ Noordermarkt square
_IJ-Hallen / every first weekend of the month/ NDSM werf, T.T. Neveritaweg 15
_Waterloo plein / daily/ Waterloo square
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