Meet Tinker, The Salvation Army Mini-Horse
Teacher sentenced to 8 months for killing rabbits in class
Fox steals phone and sends text message
Pictures: Overpass Helps Pronghorn Migration
The 50 Best Animal Photos Of 2012

Pictures: Falcon Massacre Uncovered in India
Baby elephant will stay in Portland, Ore.
Lions face shrinking savannahs in Africa
Ridiculously cute sloth baby flashes a goofy grin [Photo]

Ear for familiar voice helps lemurs avoid inbreeding
Fidgety panda cub shows off belly
18 don't miss animal photos from November
Photo of rare, mysterious cat wins competition

Birds use cigarette butts to line nests, St Andrews University study finds
Alaskan black guillemots fight ice retreat
Baby of brood is 'best explorer' in zebra finches
Ice Age warmth wiped out lemmings, study finds

Boa Constrictors Invade Puerto Rico
Bizarre Insectlike Creatures Discovered in Spanish Cave
Bear hunting in California: the end of an era
Eyewitness: New Guinea

Thailand hunts for killer tiger
Britain's oldest tortoise celebrates 130th birthday
Wombats hit by killer plants
New Mexico's Mystery Bird Baffles Wildlife Experts

Photo of the Day: Baby Harp Seal Cuteness
17 Photos Of Capybaras Relaxing In Japanese Hot Springs
29 Animals Waving Goodbye For The Winter
Rescued Cat And Rescued Rabbit Are Best Friends Forever
Bowerbirds Use Geometry to Woo Females
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