Dolphins found shot, slashed, stabbed with tool
How leopard seals lunch
Florida woman arrested over ride on manatee
Great whites 'not evolved from megashark'
Extremely Rare White Humpback Filmed Near Norway
Most Ocean Species Remain Undiscovered
When Seals Open Their Mouths They Look Like Someone Just Said Something That They’re Horribly Offended By
New fish species named after Obama
Humpback whales creating stir off Ireland
Minke whale and bottlenose dolphin sighting
Fighting fish 'take a breather'
Largest whale's acrobatic ambush
Antarctic marine wildlife is under threat, study finds

Zebrafish Change Color for Sex
New Eyeless, Scaleless Cave Fish Found
Dolphin bites girl at SeaWorld in Florida
Catfish hunt pigeons on land
40,000-pound whale carcass decomposing near Malibu beach homes
Fish attracted to same-sex flirts
Giant sunfish washed up on Overstrand beach in Norfolk
In pictures: Humpbacks feed close to shore in Norway
Squidlike Creatures Turn Left to Avoid Predators
Deadliest Sea Snake Is 2 Separate Species
South Korea drops plans to resume whaling
Divers rescue whale shark entangled in ropes off Mexican coast
Asian Carp Perilously Close to Invading the Great Lakes
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