Rare beaked whales beach themselves in New Zealand
Flying fish evolved to escape prehistoric predators
Lochrutton crayfish confirmed during River Nith checks
Giant Black Marlin weighing over half a tonne caught off Australian coast
Salmon swim across flooded road in Washington
Sandy Stories: Baby Walrus Saved But New York Aquarium Deluged
7 Reasons Killer Whales Should Never Be Held in Captivity
Rescued Baby Harbor Seals Are Released

Sharks' bad rap makes them hard to save
Meat-eating deep sea sponge discovered
Aquarium's plans to import whales stirs controversy
Bottlenose dolphins: Large pod sighted in Manx waters
Expedition to Count Endangered Chinese Porpoises
SeaWorld’s Sister Company Fights Whale and Dolphin Captivity
Mine-Sweeping Dolphins Expected to be Replaced by Robots
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