Sunshine and vitamin D: why cloudy skies are bad for our health
Kid Invents Candy Cure for Historically Incurable Ailment
The First Drug Made by Genetically Modified Plants is Approved for Human Use by the FDA
Researchers use mathematics to fight cancer
Two blind British men have electronic retinas fitted
Sweet revenge: Dentist pulls ALL of ex-boyfriend’s teeth out after getting dumped. EDIT: Snopes says the story is fake An Inconvenient Tooth. Thanks to n in the comments.
The Gruesome History of Eating Corpses as Medicine
Hospital to live tweet brain surgery, put pics on Pinterest
HIV pill may prevent people from contracting AIDS, says FDA
Horrifying life of the blonde-haired little boy who grew into the world's fattest man
Retinal Implants Restore Partial Sight To Three Blind
1 In 6 Cancers Around The World Caused By Infections: Study
Being Shy Is Just a Bad Habit, and You Can Break It With Regular Practice
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