25 Existentialist Animals
Beautiful Bird Huddles
OR-7, Well-Traveled Oregon Wolf, Photographed In California
Mother's Day 2012: Animal Parenting Styles, Pregnancies, And Child Rearings
Animal Photos Of The Week
Bear Cubs Form an Adorable Conga Line (Video)
Death on Earth: how the world's wildlife vanished

Naked Mole Rat's Long Life Due to Cellular Garbage Men
Rhinoceros' & Elephants' Seed-Eating Habit Helps Biodiversity
Crows know familiar human voices
Nature’s toughest mothers make 'ultimate sacrifice'
Prehistoric "Panda" Found in Spain—Giant Panda Has European Roots?
First Glaslyn osprey chick of 2012 hatches
Large Mouths Drove Island Snakes to Gigantism
New research suggests that our view of the humble crow may be wrong
Planning system 'failing' wildlife

Where To Find The Animals You Love
Buffalo Rampage Injures 10 People
National Zoo Welcomes 11 New Small-Clawed Otters
Florida Panther Kitten Struck By Car In Rehab; Won't Return To Wild
A camel at the 'Camel Haircut' competition at Bikaner, India
Wallaby spotted in Pluckley
26 Gifs Of Really Clumsy Animals
The Bigger the Eyes the Faster the Beast, Study Finds
Turtle With Boy’s Initials Turns Up Alive 47 Years Later
Tiger Pictures: Photos Of Ferocious Cats And Cuddly Cubs
Dead Dolphins and Birds Are Causing Alarm in Peru
Mexican Wolf Pups Born In New York's Wolf Conservation Center
Blue, Montana Black Bear, Moves On After Hibernating Under Cabin With Pillows
Tagged cuckoos complete migration and return to the UK
The 6 Most Impressive Serial Criminals in the Animal Kingdom

Baby Pygmy Hippo Dies After Surgery In South Africa
Parachuting Mice to Battle Invasive Snakes in Guam
Animal pictures of the week
Giddy up
Photographer captures moment raven snatches bunny from field
Elephant learns to play the harmonica
Flesh-Eating Dangerous Lizard Captured In Public Park Restroom

Elephant runs amok at India temple festival
Tree surgeon goes to work with parrot
US tribes clash over sacrificing of bald eagles
The real Lion King: the making of African Cats
Polar bear reunion leads to 'blossoming bromance'
Crossbow killer slaughtered ten hedgehogs then lined up carcasses outside primary school
Pictures: 24 New Caribbean Lizards Found

Project to ship cheetahs from Africa to India 'totally misconceived'
Rare white tigers born in the Ukraine
Bear cub smashes through glass door into school
Secret Lives of Penguins Revealed by 'Hidden' Cameras
World's Smallest Mammoth Discovered
'Chicken' frogs survive in new home
Mystery of horse taming 'solved' by gene study
Turtle doves: RSPB launches rescue mission

Hummingbirds in Flight
Two-headed calf sadly didn't survive
Famous falling bear tranquilized on Colorado campus is killed by cars days later
So cute!
Farm Animals Fed Antibiotics (Infographic)
Little Leopard Cub
Violet D'Mello tells of Port Elizabeth cheetah mauling
Biggest Crocodile Found—Fossil Species Ate Humans Whole?
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