It's Kitten Season
Cat Snuggling
21 Cat Hats
Dogs Playing With Kittens
An Outrage in Belfast: The Sad Case of Lennox, the Dog
Colleges Turn To Dogs To Break The Stress Of Final Exams, Lift Spirits

If we fits, we sits
I've been out of work for a few weeks now and one of our cats has elected to make the ultimate sacrifice
Cat Kisses
Cat likes to sit in small bowls
Dalek Dog
All Eyes & Fluff
25 Existentialist Animals
Beautiful Bird Huddles
OR-7, Well-Traveled Oregon Wolf, Photographed In California
Mother's Day 2012: Animal Parenting Styles, Pregnancies, And Child Rearings
Animal Photos Of The Week
Bear Cubs Form an Adorable Conga Line (Video)
Death on Earth: how the world's wildlife vanished

Naked Mole Rat's Long Life Due to Cellular Garbage Men
Rhinoceros' & Elephants' Seed-Eating Habit Helps Biodiversity
Crows know familiar human voices
Nature’s toughest mothers make 'ultimate sacrifice'
Prehistoric "Panda" Found in Spain—Giant Panda Has European Roots?
First Glaslyn osprey chick of 2012 hatches
Large Mouths Drove Island Snakes to Gigantism
New research suggests that our view of the humble crow may be wrong
Planning system 'failing' wildlife

Where To Find The Animals You Love
Buffalo Rampage Injures 10 People
National Zoo Welcomes 11 New Small-Clawed Otters
Florida Panther Kitten Struck By Car In Rehab; Won't Return To Wild
A camel at the 'Camel Haircut' competition at Bikaner, India
Wallaby spotted in Pluckley
26 Gifs Of Really Clumsy Animals
Bee Colony Collapse Disorder: New Study Suggests Mass Extinction Not Occurring, Little Actually Known
Dinosaur-Era Insects Frozen in Time During Oldest Pollination
Nature's big picture: Beetle tracking
The dead-nettle and the bumblebee: a match made in heaven
U.S. Navy's Sonars and Explosives Could Hurt more Dolphins and Whales Than Previously Thought
Paul Watson, anti-whaling campaigner, held in Germany over 2002 incident
Gray Whale Population Up to 5 Times Larger Before Whaling, Study Finds
Manta Rays' Deep-Sea Secrets Revealed
Spiny Marine Fish Discovered in Sweden
Cardigan Bay bottlenose dolphins 'learn factory whelk waste times for food'
Manatees On Fort Lauderdale Beach Surprise Swimmers
Japanese town to build dolphin zoo near site of annual cull
A sea monster ... and he’s still a nipper! Monster Tasmanian King Crab saved from the pot and shipped to Britain for aquarium display
BP oil spill: The 'horribly mutated' creatures living in the Gulf
Humpback whales intervene in killer whale hunt
Easily the most insane animal footage ever caught on an undersea camera
Pacific 'garbage patch' changing insect mating habits
Warm water marine species spreading northwards into British waters
The Turtle Hospital: Lucky Survivors Treated By Florida Keys Rescue
Fish Guts Could Say Which Species Survive Climate Change
China's transparency laws: a death sentence for the Yangtze sturgeon
Baby Saki Monkey Born At Brevard Zoo
Orang-utans use iPads to communicate
Rarest gorillas caught in camera trap
Orang-utan who gnawed off own hand to escape trap recovers
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