March 17, 202503:46:13 PM

He's a self-made Iron Man: Panel beater builds amazing replica of superhero outfit using fibre glass and cardboard (with an ash tray for the nuclear reactor)

Ancient map gives clue to fate of 'Lost Colony'

Woman registers new 161-word name for Red Dreams charity

Auction Preview of D&D Co-Creator’s Personal Collection and Archives — Game’s Secrets to Be Revealed

The History of Encryption

140 people injured when balloons explode at Armenian rally

Tipping Etiquette Around the World (via)

LED light bulb to last more than 20 years

How much water is there on, in, and above the Earth? Interesting.

Nebraska Man Changes His Name To 'Tyrannosaurus Rex'

The biggest phobia in the world? 'Nomophobia' - the fear of being without your mobile - affects 66 per cent of us

What minimum wage buys, then and now

Ghetto Rigging At Its Finest (11 Pics)

All of this now fits in your pocket

This well-known Egyptian symbol is actually an early math problem

She may have to return $680K from trashed lottery ticket

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