Apple: Think Different about your dirty energy
Apple: why doesn't it employ more US workers?
Microsoft is buying and selling patents like a kid trading snacks in the cafeteria. Clearly, the patent system needs an overhaul
Microsoft Security Essentials Updates with Better Performance, Virus Detection, and Interface Changes
Microsoft backs away from CISPA support, citing privacy
Hotmail password bug fixed
7 Ways the Internet Has Been Used for Good
This is the web right now - The Oatmeal
What if Facebook isn’t so special after all?
The Web is Not User Friendly! Face it, and Embrace It!
The 'Facebook Phone' is a Dumb Idea
Equipment Maker Caught Installing Backdoor Account in Control System Code
White House takes aim at CISPA with formal veto threat
Web trolls put picture of Down's girl on Facebook with vile caption
Watchdog finds undeleted data on second-hand disk drives
Insecure websites to be named and shamed after checks
The Feds Will Shut off Your Internet If You Don’t Clean Your Computer by July 9
CISPA: Who’s for it, who’s against it and how it could affect you
Which Facebook Apps Steal Your Data (and How to Stop Them)
Firefox 12 released with UAC-less update system on Windows
Google Drive: Hands-On Winner
Google Maps now includes 'photo tours' of 15,000 popular landmarks around the world
The Pure Google Home Screen
Google's Destruction Is Already Under Way
6 Guns That Could Only Ever Exist In Video Games
The 8 Most Gruesome Video Games of All Time
Supporting an Industry That Doesn’t Respect Itself
20 Cute Video Game Characters You Don't Want To Mess With
Xbox patent ruling favours Motorola over Microsoft
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