Bob the busking cat
Mystery of the dog poisoner: Horror as five pets in same street are killed by meat laced with pesticide
Here comes the fuzz: 6 crime-stopping cats
Is this the world's scariest cat? Sphynx monster looks more like a gremlin than a pussycat
Animal Psychologists Discover What Music Pets Prefer

Newly Discovered Virus Linked to Deadly Kidney Disease in Cats
Luck of the Irish for Two Doomed Dogs
Della the talking dog calls out for attention when she's left alone
Door frame cat is watching you and Door frame cat infiltrates kitchen
The world’s 6 richest pets
The Week in Animal News
One Female Left: Wolves May Go Extinct in Michigan National Park
Linus the Long-Haired Wonder Horse

15 Ridiculously Adorable Baby Owls
Hibernating bears' wounds heal without scars
Crocodiles Have Strongest Bite Ever Measured, Hands-on Tests Show

New frog species found hiding in NYC
Species Hitched Ride to Madagascar on Floating Islands
Viking Explorers Carried Fuzzy Stowaways, New Study Finds
Camera Traps Spot Mother Tiger and Cubs in India

HBO axes 'Luck’ After third horse dies
6 Ways Climate Change is Impacting Animals
Irish Animals at Risk: Photos
Shark Feeding Frenzy Captured on Video
New Finding Offers Hope for Critically Endangered Dolphin
Crayfish Fake Out Attackers With Large, Weak Claws
The battle against a killer crustacean with an appetite for destruction
Some of planet's quietest creatures captured on tape
Antsy fantasy: Russian photographer creates a fairytale world with obliging insects
Bee-rustling: Thieves steal 5,000 honeybees from Houston restaurant
Honeybee Deaths Linked to Corn Insecticides
"Hot Bee Balls" Cook Enemy Hornets—But How Do Bees Endure the Heat?
Hornet-killing honeybees’ brain activity measured
Up Close & Personal: A Bedbug Album
Early Spring Is Bad News for Butterflies
Birth Control For Insects: Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes in the Florida Keys?
Bonsai tree trade closing net on near-extinct Vietnamese monkey
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