It is amazing how quickly you can establish a routine when you move to a new country. And it is quite hard to believe that I arrived in Dubai 3 months ago. Despite the short time frame, my attitude is that of someone who has lived here for years and it surprises a lot of people when I tell them that I am a newbie expat in Dubai.
I feel the job has a lot to do with the settling in and the fact that the boyfriend had already done the tough stuff before I arrived, meaning I could just walk into a "home". Having a purpose everyday helps and I am enjoying spending my days talking about, writing about and photographing fruits and veggies. And working at an organic food company is rubbing off on our diets; the fridge is full of fruit and veg, I eat things like goji berries and chia seed pudding and I have a small addiction to berry and banana smoothies.
Dubai has done many things for me in the short space of time I have been here. My confidence has grown immensely, my skills have developed quickly, new, amazing people have come into my life and my style choices have become bolder. The amount of colour and prints in my wardrobe right now almost shocks me, because prior to Dubai, grey, white and black were abundant. I think the sunshine has a part to play in that.
Dubai has done many things for me in the short space of time I have been here. My confidence has grown immensely, my skills have developed quickly, new, amazing people have come into my life and my style choices have become bolder. The amount of colour and prints in my wardrobe right now almost shocks me, because prior to Dubai, grey, white and black were abundant. I think the sunshine has a part to play in that.
My least favourite part of Dubai so far is the humidity. Last week the temperatures started cooling down and the humidity subsided, but this week it seems to be back with a bang and the sweatiness of this city just doesn't seem to get better! Everyone keeps telling me how nice winter will be and this is what makes the climate bearable. It is strangely nice when you have a cloudy morning in Dubai because the temperature dips right down and the air is breathable again. The marina is so still in those early hours and the water resembles glass, reflecting the towering skyline and the sumptuous sky.
And now that everyone is returning to Dubai after their summer jollies, it is time to start exploring this place we now call home and indulging in the benefits of Dubai. And with new friends to share this city with, it makes it even more exciting. Winter is coming and that means many evenings spent outside (without sweating) with a cold glass of wine, tasting our way round the city, restaurant to restaurant and indulging in some pampering at a fraction of the cost of London.
You can easily see why people don't want to leave because the lifestyle grabs you and sucks you in. I realise how lucky I am right now though and am keeping my feet on the ground to avoid being sucked into the Dubai bubble. Wondering what the Dubai bubble is? Well that's a whole other post in itself.
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