March 18, 202510:28:19 AM

Instead of resolutions, which lets be honest I never stick to anyway, I'm going to adopt a mantra for 2015. And since it is now the 2nd February, this seems like a good time to share it. 

#1 - Guard your time
Since it is almost February and I am only just getting around to writing this, you could say I am guarding my time well. I think I got too caught up in time in 2014 and worried about how much or how little was dedicated to a particular activity. 

#2 - Let kindness rule 
Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in emotions, become bitter, resentful and angry but those negative emotions never lead to anything good. A little bit of kindness goes a long way. 

#3 - Create good habits
This one I am taking on board in many ways. I need to up my fitness game and actually commit to a proper exercise routine instead of the wishy washy attempt at exercise I have been engaged in until now. I need to fix my eating habits in line with this too. Some days are good, some days are bad and most days, a chocolate brownie are included in my diet. Note to self, must maintain self control. For me good habits extend further than this and lead back to guarding my time, I need to find a work life balance and utilise time for good habits like reading and writing. 

#4 - Choose to focus on the good
Because the bad has a way of overpowering everything but in reality that is because we let it; we pander to the bad and stress and worry and it all too quickly becomes an overinflated version of what it originally was. And lets face it, there is always a little piece of good to cling on to, no matter what situation you are faced with. 

#5 - Start each day with goals 
Manage your daily expectations and start with a few achievable goals which can be managed and met throughout the day, no matter what gets thrown your way. Simple things like going to the gym, making a home cooked dinner or reading a chapter of that book can be easily ticked off the list and you will feel a sense of accomplishment rather than emptiness come bedtime. This is one I really need to work on!

#6 - Find the best in others
Unfortunately we have to share the world with other people and no all of those people are our cup of tea shall we say. The easiest way to deal with that is to find the good in people, because although personalities clash and arguments erupt, if you find the good in people, the bad is easier to ignore. 

#7 - Be the best version of you
Letting negative feelings get in the way of life ultimately brings out your bad side. Dealing with those emotions and not letting them impact on the way you approach yourself is difficult. Remaining positive and choosing to be the best version of yourself is just that, a choice and is something everyone should strive for. 

#8 - Believe anything is possible 
If someone had told me 10 years ago that at 26 I would be living in Dubai I would have said they were crazy. One thing I have realised by leaving my comfort zone behind is that anything is possible and despite doubts and fear, life with give you what you need and deserve as long as you work for it. Everything is possible, if you put your mind to it. 

Negativity has been mentioned a lot here and thats because it is problem more powerful than positivity. Every cloud has a silver lining, it's just sometimes we have to look harder to find it. 

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