March 18, 202510:21:06 AM

I feel a little confused with the situation I find myself in.

I have spent the last 10 days freezing in London, enjoying family time in abundance and catching up with friends I hadn't seen in almost 6 months. My heart is still telling me to put on a jumper and whip up hot chocolate and watch love actually. But being back in Dubai, my head is telling me it's too hot for a jumper and to go to the beach for a swim. Christmas decorations, crisp winter skies and central heating are a thing of the past.

The sun shines and I am back in my flip flops and those glorious christmas holiday days already feel like a distant memory. The trouble with going home for christmas is the post christmas withdrawal that London leaves me with.  Don't get me wrong I thoroughly love Dubai and not having to wear 15 layers plus a coat and scarf to leave the house is somewhat of a luxury. But a jam packed christmas holiday always leaves a little hole in my heart for a few days upon returning to whatever country we currently call home.

I am throwing myself feet first back into work, getting back on the treadmill and removing as much sugar from my diet as possible. Maybe the lack of quality streets, ferrero rocher and other miscellaneous christmas treats are the real reason for my downer.

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