I thought I was acclimatising to this city but then we had 42 degrees celsius and 73%humidity and I was blown back out to newbie territory. The humidity is really intense here and the best way I can describe it is standing fully clothed, in a steamy bathroom after a really hot shower, while someone blasts your face with a hairdryer. But this process is all part and parcel of expat life in Dubai.
I wake up every morning, the sun quickly rising heavy and golden in a cloudless blue sky and that in itself brings a wave of satisfaction that instantly reminds me the decision was worth it.
The skyline is incredible and on every car journey or dog walk I make myself dizzy as I stare up at the gigantic, shiny buildings towering above us. The architecture here is modern through and through but it is nevertheless mesmerising.
I am trying to implement a smoothie a day into our eating patterns, whizzing up banana's, frozen mixed berries, yoghurt and honey to balance out the ongoing trips to Shake Shack that we just cannot resist. Job hunting is the main goal of my days and a little hour break by the pool is just the motivation I need, plus it means I don't have to worry about having any vitamin D deficiency's!
Oh and those beauty's down below are my new trainers, which I still can't believe I got so excited about. It only took 10 years for the boyfriend to persuade me trainers are the way forward. And my feet are thanking him now. The Adidas x Farm collection has definitely got me excited and the bright floral print pairs and neon yellow accent pairs wonderfully with denim shorts and a white T shirt. But more about those another time.
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