2014 has literally flown by and I couldn't quite believe my eyes when I looked at my phone this morning and saw the date staring back at me....1st November. Rewind to this time last year and I was in Cyprus with the pooch and the boyfriend was in Germany. The thought of living in Dubai hadn't even come up but I was sure of one thing and that was I wanted to leave to Cyprus. I needed an exit strategy and at that time, the exit strategy seemed to be Germany.
But sometimes, events occur that mean you need to pause, review a situation and make many, many lists. So after several months of planning, a two-month pitstop in London and a lot of stress later, Dubai became the next part of our expat journey. It's fair to say it worked out pretty well and lady luck has been looking over us.
In a few short months I have (luckily) found a job that I love, learnt to navigate this strange new city, made some awesome friends and settled in. Dubai is feeling much more like home now and although November has come out of nowhere, we are welcoming it. Because it brings with it the infamous Dubai winter! The temperatures are dropping, the humidity has retreated and the sweaty sensation that washed over you every time you left the building is a thing of the past.
November this year will not be like any I have ever experienced...there will be no leaves crunching beneath my feet, no jumpers being dragged out from the back of the wardrobe and no rain in sight! And as we all know, my dislike for rain is greater than anything else. So November....bring it on.
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