Still no Friday Games for another week or two as I still have pins in my broken finger and playing games with my left hand is too difficult. I'm back to see the surgeon again on monday and if all is well they will take them out. Here's hoping.
If you’re going to smuggle cocaine into Hong Kong, don’t use a doormat
Surgeon Suspected of Stealing Bag of Heroin From Patient's Stomach
The Economist explains How can you buy illegal drugs online?
The Great K-Hole of China
Silk Road, the internet’s notorious marketplace for illegal drugs, was shuttered last week after the FBI arrested its founder, “Dread Pirate Roberts.” Now a former customer waits in fear, wondering why he used his real name
The dangers for students addicted to brain Viagra: Drugs claimed to boost your intellect are sweeping universities - but at what cost?
Russia’s Flesh-Eating Drug Krokodil Has Arrived In The U.S. And Here’s Why That Should Scare You
What actors really snort, shoot and smoke on set
Timothy Leary’s Transformation From Scientist to Psychedelic Celebrity
PSA: Thrift Stores Cannot Resell Your Giant Bags of Weed
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