This Polar Bear Hates Santa
Bunny Knows What Time It Is
This Goat Wears Pink Rain Boots To Help With Her Arthritis
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Chameleons
Eight Animals Tricksters
How did zebras get their stripes?
Animal Photos Of The Week

Trapped Tigress Is Rescued
Panda cub hits 'terrible toddler' stage
American Buff-Bellied Pipit spotted at Queen Mother Reservoir
Crocodile's flying leap at swimmer in Australia
Revealed: Rudolph Really Did Have a Red Nose
Elephants Near Timbuktu Make Astonishing Migration Treks
Cutest Baby Animals at U.S. Zoos (PHOTOS)
Zoo Babies 2012: Adorable Baby Animal Pictures From Around The World (PHOTOS)

Pygmy Elephants Get Protection Boost from Genetics
Rare Bear Has Twins at National Zoo
Video Reveals Rare Tiger Cubs in Sumatran Forest
What the male bowerbird can teach us about home furnishings
Malaysia seizes 1,500 elephant tusks headed for China
Top ten tigers on the big screen
Two Clouded Leopard Cubs Arrive In San Diego
8 Photos Of Animals Having Christmas At The Zoo

Giraffe battle filmed for new David Attenborough series
Rhinos found to have secret liaisons at night
Christmas comes early for Australian zoo animals
Art of Nature: African wildlife photographed by Heinrich van den Berg
Here from Lapland for Christmas, the birds that sound like sleigh bells
Extravagant, yes, exotic, certainly – but black swans aren't as rare as you may think
Lucifer The Lion Gets A Christmas Present

Plunge Diving Cape Gannets As Seen from Beneath the Waves
Bird Removed From Zoo Display For Hurling Expletives at Guests
Photo of the Day: Galloping Giraffes
30 Biggest Stories of the Year in Animal Conservation and Extinctions
Ansel Adams' Photographs Remind Us of the Importance of Preserving our Wilderness Parks
The 40 Cutest Things That Happened In 2012
Say Hello To Santa-Gator
The 14 Most Useless Owls On Instagram
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